Year Supply: Monogram

Year Supply: Monogram


30 custom bars carved with the monogram of your desire. Satisfy your addiction or spoil them all year.
Enter the monogram you would like carved and select font style to customize your order. Monogram will be carved in the order you enter it.

View Fonts

Select A Style

Choose only one, Single Initial, Monogram or Icon. Not applicable to pre-carved gift sets.

Insert initials, Monogram, Name or Phrase

Place Name or Initials Below

Font Choice *

Icon & Graphic Choice

If an icon or graphic is desired, click on the “Icon & Graphic” option above and input the name of the item on the space provided below. EX: Cat-Creature Collection or Collie-The K9 Collection

Custom Gift Card

Is this a gift? Let us know the occasion and the message you want included with your purchase.

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SKU: year-supply-30-bars-monogram-1. Categories: , , .

Product Description

30 custom bars carved with the monogram of your desire. Satisfy your addiction or spoil them all year.
Enter the monogram you would like carved and select font style to customize your order. Monogram will be carved in the order you enter it.